2016 Greeley Stampede Parade

Greetings Parade Applicants!


On behalf of the Greeley Stampede Committee, I want to thank you for signing up to participate in the 95th annual Greeley Independence Day Parade! This year promises to be an awesome event and we’re glad you’ll be enjoying it with us!  Please remember you may not throw or pass out anything between the curbs.  You must be up on the sidewalk if you wish to hand something out.  The final staging map is attached.


We are providing you with the information you will need in order for us to effectively stage the parade and to get every entry down the parade route in a timely fashion. YOU are responsible for communicating this information to everyone in your group. In the section below, you will find links that will provide you with all of the information you will need to get you to the right place for your entry. Basic details for the day are:

STAGING BEGINS:                  6:30 AM

STAGING CLOSES:                  8:30 AM

PARADE STARTS                    9:00 AM


Your staging area and number are: blue 60




BLUE STAGING AREA: Please enter your staging area at 8th Avenue and 20th Street. If you are coming to the parade from the west, you will need to cross over to 8th Avenue at 25th Street to the South or 4th Street to the north in order to miss the streets that will be barricaded for the parade route.


GREEN STAGING AREA: Please enter your staging area at 8th Avenue and 21st Street. If you are coming to the parade from the west, you will need to cross over the 8th Avenue at 25th Street to the south or 4th Street to the north in order to miss the streets that will be barricaded for the parade route.


#1 SILVER STAGING AREA: Please enter your staging area at 11th Avenue and 22nd Street. If you are coming to the parade from the west, you will need to cross over the 11th Avenue at 25th Street to the south or 4th Street to the north in order to miss the streets that will be barricaded for the parade route.



#2 SILVER STAGING AREA: Please enter your staging area at 8th Avenue and 22nd Street. If you are coming to the parade from the west, you will need to cross over the 8th Avenue at 25th Street to the south or 4th Street to the north in order to miss the streets that will be barricaded for the parade route.


YELLOW STAGING AREA: Please enter your staging area at 11th Avenue and 20th Street. If you are coming to the parade from the east, you will need to cross over the 11th Avenue at 25th Street to the south or 4th Street to the north in order to miss the streets that will be barricaded for the parade route.


When you reach the start of your staging area, you will need to check in. Please find the check mark at the start of your staging are on the map below. This is where you will check in. Please let the person with a PARADE OFFICIAL badge at that location know the staging number and name of your entry when you arrive. He/She will direct you to your staging location.


PLEASE NOTE: The staging area is for the actual entry (float, vehicle, etc.) that you are planning to take down the parade route. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR VEHICLES BRINGING PEOPLE WHO PLAN TO WALK OR RIDE WITH YOUR ENTRY TO PARK IN THE STAGING AREA. We would suggest that all additional vehicles park east of 8th Avenue (6th and 7th Avenues are prime) near your staging area so that your participants can walk up to your entry.


It is entirely up to you when you tell your people to arrive to begin making your entry ready to run in the parade. You should base this upon how long it will physically take to have your entry set up and ready to go. The more preparation work you have, the earlier you should arrive. However, in all cases, your entry must be completed and ready to go at 8:30 am!


Finally, please review the Parade Guidelines carefully and communicate them with the people participating in your entry. You are responsible for ensuring that your entry complies with the guidelines, and we are sure appreciate your assistance with this!


We’re excited about this year’s parade and we’re so glad that you will be participating with is to make it an awesome event for the estimated 80,000 people who will turn out to watch it!


As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We are here to make this enjoyable and fun for you as well!


Pam Mitchell

970-356-7787 ext. 102

2016 Greeley Stampede Independence Day Parade staging map FINAL 062916